Centre of Excellence in Programmable Logic Controllers powered by SIEMENS

Centre of Excellence in Programmable Logic Controllers powered by SIEMENS


The Centre of Excellence in Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) powered by Siemens is a training and research center focused on the field of PLCs. PLCs are specialized computer systems used for industrial automation and control applications. The center provides training and resources for individuals and organizations interested in learning about PLCs, including courses, workshops, and hands-on training. The center also conducts research and development projects in the field of PLCs, aimed at advancing the technology and improving its applications. The goal of the Centre of Excellence in PLCs powered by Siemens is to promote knowledge and understanding of PLCs, and to drive advancements in the field through research and innovation. The partnership between Siemens and the academic institution allows for collaboration and the sharing of resources and expertise to achieve this goal.


Centre of Excellence in PLC with SIEMENS was established in 2018 which comprises typical PLC equipment and software that drives modern manufacturing industry.


It offers a high-end skill training for the students in the area of PLC. It has trained more than 300 students in the past 5 years. A few students got placement opportunity in the PLC domain.










Department Associated with the Centre:  Mechatronics Engineering

Coordinator of the Centre: Dr PT Saravanakumar

Contact: mcthod@hicet.ac.in