Centre for Faculty Development

Centre for Faculty Development

About CFD


Faculty development is a significant element of Institutional Knowledge base.  The more the institution supports faculty development and calibre improvement, the more effect is reflected in the levels of the learning activities, conduct of research and there by fulfilling the goals of the Institution.


The aim of Centre for Faculty Development is to equip the individuals, belonging to different fields of work, with necessary skills to meet the ever mounting challenges and inculcate in them the pride of belonging to the particular profession to which they belong. The prime objective of the CFD is to cater to the needs of the teachers and to enhance their knowledge / skills through systematic methodologies.




To inculcate among teachers the motivations to promote institutional effectives through the development of personal, instructional, organizational and professional growth of faculty.




1. To promote organizational strategies for faculty development so as to motivate teachers to

    grow professionally and enable the institution to grow.


2. Faculty development is expected to result in improved teaching performance and better

    learning outcomes for students and teachers.


3. Developing all round skills are a prominent aspect for faculty development.




1. To understand the significance of higher education, Impetus for refining their teaching skills.


2. Improve the art of teaching by realizing their role as mentors in facilitating and shaping the

    career prospects.


3. Keeping oneself abreast of the latest developments in their specific subjects and acquiring

    Career growth opportunities available to them in short and long term and acquire knowledge

    and skills in new and emerging areas.


4. To perceive the role of teachers in the total system and to familiarize usage of ICT in teaching

    and also in the preparation of digital content to promote self-learning.


5. To support and facilitate research opportunities and to harness their leadership potential.






Dr A R JayaSudha, Professor & Head / MCA


Members (Faculty)

1. Dr S Saravana Sundaram  Professor & Head / BME

2. Dr B Anand, Professor & Head / EIE / IQAC Coordinator

3. Dr.  M Uma Priya, Assistant Professor /CSE

4. Mr K Arun Raja, Assistant Professor / AERO

5. Mr. Alex Livingston Raja, Assistant Professor / CIVIL


Term: Two Years







