Calendar Adherence Committee

Calendar Adherence Committee


Adherence Committee


Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous) has separate academic Adherence committee. The academic Adherence committee plays a vital role to prepare the academic plan for every year. The Academic Adherence Committee is composed of faculty, staff and administrative representatives. The committee coordinates the development of the College Academic calendar as well as reports to the Principal.


Although it is called an Academic Calendar it also serves as an operational document. The calendar identifies holidays and other important commemorative days that impact the College community as well as instructional and non-instructional days for faculty. 


The Academic Adherence Committee is proud to support the academic goals of our students. The committee also appreciates the support and comments from all the faculty members.



--The aim of the Academic Adherence Committee is to assist the campus with the alignment of academic and calendar events. 


--To identify the responsibility for the maintenance and update of the campus Academic Calendar, including annual review, adoption and revision of the Academic Calendar, as well as reporting and publishing of Academic Calendar dates.



--To conduct the meeting of academic Adherence committee.


--To collect proposals and plans of various activities from each Head of academic, COE, Co-Curricular committee and to make the whole academic calendar of the college for the year.


--To collect the activities report completed at the end of every academic year.



--The committee establishes guidelines for the preparation, adoption, revision, and publication of the Academic Calendar.


--The committee works under the guidance of Dean and Principal. 


--The Committee collects the plan from each and every Academic, Co- curricular committee and COE. 


--After receiving the plan from all the committees, the academic calendar committee prepares the whole plan for the next academic year and Adherence Committee will formulate the report based on it.


--IQAC in consultation of academic Adherence committee monitors and controls the activity which carries throughout the year. 


Members List


The Academic Adherence Committee (2022-23) of our college is constituted with the following members;-





Dr. J.Jaya


Chair Person

Dr. Magudeswaran PN

Dean, Academics


Dr . Ananthamoorthy N P

Professor and Head

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering


Dr. Sabarinathan C


Professor and Head

Department of Automobile Engineering


Dr. Shankar S


Professor and Head

Department of Computer Science and Engineering


Dr. Kannan K

Associate Professor

Department of Science & Humanities


Mr. Kumaresan M

Assistant Professor

Department of Mechatronics Engineering


Mr. Alex Livingston Raja

Assistant Professor

Department of Civil Engineering


Mr. Sivakumar K

Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering









