MSME supported Incubation Centre / Hindusthan Innovative Product Development Centre

MSME supported Incubation Centre / Hindusthan Innovative Product Development Centre


A MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) supported Incubation Centre is a facility that provides support and resources to help small businesses and entrepreneurs develop and grow their businesses. MSMEs are a critical component of many economies, including India, where they play a significant role in job creation and economic growth. The MSME supported incubation centres provide resources such as office space, mentorship, training, and access to funding to help small businesses and entrepreneurs develop and grow their businesses. The centres are supported by the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in India, which is responsible for promoting and supporting the development of MSMEs. The goal of the MSME supported incubation centres is to provide small businesses and entrepreneurs with the resources and support they need to succeed and contribute to the economic growth and development of the region.


Hindusthan Innovative Product Development Centre is a space for new age entrepreneurs and young minds to transform their innovative ideas into viable business propositions. This Incubation centre was approved by the Ministry of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSME) to implement the scheme of “Entrepreneurial and Managerial Development of SMEs through Incubators”.

This centre provides technological assistance to incubate which will be generated through mentors with multidisciplinary expertise.


So far 8 incubates have been benefitted through HIPDC from various field. The Incubates Are AR Laser Fabricators, Saraswathy Fence, GSR Vaagai Mara Chekku Aalai, Vipra E-Vehicles, Eswar Enterprises, Redeem, E.T.I.S Enterprises and DNXT Ideas India Pvt Ltd etc.



MSME Approval Letter



Coordinator of the Centre: Dr K Siva
