
Fine Arts Club



1.To enhance the personal skills and experiences like self-presentation; teamwork and collaboration, time management and organizational skills, self-awareness, self-discipline, open mindedness to move beyond boundaries and experiment with different ideas, communication skills.

2. Create, perform, and experience work in a variety of art forms with a high level of comprehension and appreciation.

3. To improve the imagination skill in Entertainment.








Dr. R. Rajesh kanna /Associate Professor



1. Dr. Rajesh kanna EEE /Associate Professor (Dance) 

2. Mrs. M. Nirmala, MCA / Associate Professor (Craft)

3. Dr. D. Sivakumar, S & H / Associate Professor (Photography)

4. Mrs. M. Sumithasree, S&H / Assistant professor ( Special Talent)

5. Mrs. N. Kavitha, EIE /Assistant Professor(Drawing & Painting)


Members (Students)

150 Students


Term: Two Years